How to vacuum carpets properly

March 11, 2019 by Sean Parry

The key to a well-vacuumed carpet is preparation. If you ensure that your vacuum is working well (we recommend the Henry vacuum), and that as much of the clutter on the floor is cleared away, this will allow you to clean a greater area properly and in good time. We’ve put together an easy-to-follow guide together with some tips for vacuuming your carpet, and getting those attractive carpet lines that a lot of us look for!


1. Check your vacuum works properly. If the air suction is not good, check that the bag is empty (replace if necessary) and that there are no blockages in the vacuum head or tube (using a pencil or pen to dislodge any dirt / hair etc).

2. Pick up any floor clutter. Place any rugs neatly outside the room you’re vacuuming, and pick up any toys, magazines, clothing off the floor.

3. Use the vacuum crevice tool to clean around the edges of your room. This step is often missed, but if necessary if you don’t want an unsightly build-up of dirt that will get harder to remove with time.

4. Divide the rooms into sections to be vacuumed. Starting at the corner furthest from the door, vacuum that section from left to right and then front to back. By going over the carpet twice, you can ensure it is well cleaned. Vacuum your way through the sections and back towards the door.


1. Use the plug nearest to your exit point. The general approach is to vacuum from the furthest corner of the room, and back out of the room. The less time you spend plugging / unplugging the better, and use an extension cable if necessary – it will save you lots of time!

2. Rather than move furniture / chairs out of the way, simple try tilting them (carefully), vacuuming underneath, then tilting the other way. This means you save time moving the furniture, and you know that they’ll also be put back in exactly the same original position (show image below of vacuuming under tilting furniture – speed cleaning)

3. Use baking soda to deodorise your carpets. This is a highly effective way to have your carpets smelling fresh and clean, and especially good for pet owners. simple scatter the baking soda over the carpet, leave for 15 minutes, and then vacuum up. This will also freshen up your vacuum.

Of course, if you would prefer us to help with your cleaning and housekeeping jobs, we would be happy to assist! Please take a look at the Neat website or call us on 02036378307 for further information.